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FleetOps User Guide
Written by Saad Farooq
Updated over 8 months ago


The LoadStop NextGen FleetOps module is a comprehensive fleet management tool that equips the dispatcher for proactive decisions with precise insights and actionable intelligence. Illuminate upcoming compliance, maintenance, and schedule gaps to pinpoint areas of focus. Make confident decisions with our Fleet Matching tools and watch your metrics improve.

FleetOps offers a broad range of insights for users to engage in a proactive manner to reduce the impacts of reactive dispatching which can lead to increased idle time and/or poor decision making. We seek to increase fleet utilization and overall awareness of the current state of your business's assets.

  • Visualization of fleet schedule

  • Illumination of compliance and maintenance requirements

  • Load Matching tools

  • HOS insights

  • Tracking

  • Workflow automation

  • Load Outlook details

Detailed Overview

FleetOps - Tabs:

The FleetOps screen will have the following 3 tabs available.

  1. Driver

  2. Vehicles

  3. Trailers

Calendar View:

When the user moves to the Calendar View, the visible date range will be as defined below:

Date Range = -1 to CurrentDate and +5 to CurrentDate

For example: If the current date is March 18th, the date range displayed will be minus 1 day and looking forward 5 days to include the following dates: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23

Driver - Tabs:

The Driver tab on the FleetOps screen will contain the following six child tab filters.

  1. All

  2. Open Today

  3. Time Off

  4. In Transit

  5. Pickup Today

  6. Delivery Today

Below are the conditions that will be applied for displaying data in the child tabs of the Driver tab.

All - Tab:

All tabs will display all the Drivers and in the event section there will be Load events within the selected date range of the Calendar View and Time off events within the same date range.

For example: If the date range of 17th March to 23rd March is selected then all the Loads and Driver’s Time Offs falling within this date range will be visible to the user in this tab.

Time Off - Tab:

For the selected date range, if we identify a driver on leave, the system will display that driver in the 'Time Off' tab.

For example: If the date range of 17th March to 23rd March is chosen and a driver is on leave from 18th March to 22nd March then the Time Off event for this driver will span from the 18th March column to the 22nd March column.

Similarly, if a driver is on leave from the 16th of March to the 22nd of March, this event will be visible in the specified date range (16th March to 122nd March). However, the end part of the event will be visible to the user as the starting point of the event will be considered within the previous weeks.

In the case of a driver on leave from the 19th of March to the 25th of March, the event for this driver will also be visible to the user in the specified date range (19th March to 25th March). In this scenario, the user should be able to see the starting point of the event as the ending point of the event will be considered within the next weeks.

Open Today - Tab:

If Driver is available and not dispatched with any Load for the Current day then system will display those Drivers in this tab.

And if Driver is currently working on a Load for the Current Day but Load Status is Completed then the system will also show that Driver in this tab.

Note: If Load is Scheduled for a Driver with the Pickup Date today then system will not show that Driver in this tab.

In Transit - Tab:

Drivers who are currently working on a Load for the Current Day and Load Status= InTransit then all those Drivers will be available in this tab.

Pickup Today - Tab:

Any driver who has a Load with today's date as pickup date.

Delivery Today - Tab:

Any driver who has a Load with today's date as delivery date.

Load Event - Details for All, Available and Dispatched Tabs:

In the Calendar View, the Load Event in the All, Available and Dispatched tabs will contain the following details in the defined sequence.

  • Load Ref No

  • Pickup Start Time - If available

  • Pickup City, State

  • Delivery City, State

  • Delivery End Time - If available

The Load Event will contain the same details for the All, Available and Dispatched tabs.

Tooltip - Details for All, Available and Dispatched Tabs:

The following details will be available on the tooltip that users will see by hovering over the Load Event in the All, Available, and Dispatched tabs.

  • Load Ref No

  • Customer Name

  • BOL Ref No

  • Loaded Miles

  • Pickup Start Date

  • Pickup Start Time - If available

  • Pickup City, State

  • Delivery City, State

  • Delivery End Date

  • Delivery End Time - If available

  • Vehicle

  • Trailer

  • “Stop Delivery” option of Delivery Stop

Time Off Event - Details for Time Off Tab:

In the Calendar View, the Time Off Event in the Time Off tab will contain the following details in the defined sequence.

  • Reason Code

  • Leave Status

  • ELD Location if available else “Not available” will be visible

Tooltip - Details for Time Off Tab:

The following details will be available on the tooltip that users will see by hovering over the Load Event in the Time Off tab.

  • Time Off Start Date

  • Time Off End Date

  • Reason Code

  • ELD Location

  • Reason

Grid View:

In Grid View, system will check the following conditions for showing the data in the below mentioned tabs:

  1. All

  2. Available

  3. Time Off

  4. Dispatched

However, all the tabs will show data for a 2 week period. The system will calculate the week by taking the current date and adding 13 days to it.

For example: If the current date is 19th Feb, the week displayed in Grid View will be from 19 Feb to 03 March


All - Tab:

The "All" tab will display all the Drivers that will be available in Available, Time Off and Dispatched tabs for the calculated week date range.

Available - Tab:

The “Available” tab will display all Drivers who are available for at least one day within the calculated date range. Drivers can be partially dispatched or having partial time off.

For example: In the calculated week date range, from 19th Feb to 3rd March, a driver named "Driver 01" has two dispatched Loads (Load01 and Load02) with respective pickup and delivery dates as follows:

  • Load01: Pickup & Delivery Dates: 19th Feb to 27th Feb

  • Load02: Pickup & Delivery Dates: 29th Feb to 3rd March

But on 28th Feb, no Load is assigned to Driver 01. So this Driver will appear in the "Available" tab for that day. However, if Driver 01 takes "Time Off" on 13th Feb then the system will not display that Driver in this tab.

Time Off - Tab:

In the calculated week date range, if the system identifies a driver on leave on the current day then only the system will display that driver in the "Time Off" tab.

For example: If the calculated week date range is from 19th Feb to 3rd March and the current date is 19th Feb and there is a driver (Driver01) on leave for that day, then this driver will be visible in the "Time Off" tab.

If the current date is 19th Feb and there is a driver (Driver01) on leave for 20th Feb then this driver will not be visible in the "Time Off" tab.

Dispatched - Tab:

If a Driver is fully occupied within the calculated week date range then that Driver will be visible in this tab.

For Example: If the calculated week date range is 19th Feb to 3rd March and a Load is dispatched with a driver that starts from 19th Feb and ends on 3rd March or any day after the 3rd March, the system will display this driver in the ”Dispatched” tab.

However, if there is a Load starting from 19th Feb and ending on 2nd March and the driver is neither dispatched with any other load for the 3rd March or on leave then this driver will not be shown in the “Dispatched” tab.

Grid View - Actions:

The Actions dropdown field will contain the following 3 options.

  1. Post Driver

  2. Driver History

  3. Assign

Post Driver:

This option will open the Create Modal of the Truck Posting.

Driver History:

It will display the “Driver History” Modal to the user.


Assign option will open the Unit Assignment Modal of the selected Driver.

Grid View - Columns Details:

In some columns of the Grid View, the system is showing data after checking specific conditions. Column Names and conditions are defined below.

Upcoming Future Time Off:

This column will display the upcoming Time Off for the Driver. For example: If the current date is 19th Feb and the driver is on leave on 20th Feb then this column will show the date 20th Feb as it represents the upcoming Time Off of the Driver.


If the Driver is working on a Load today then system will show Current Vehicle/Trailer of Driver and

If the Driver is available but not working on any Load today or on leave then system will take these details from the Driver’s Last Load.

Vehicle/Trailer will also be available as hyperlink and if user clicks on Vehicle or Trailer then system will show the View screens of Vehicle/Trailer.

Available Date:

This column will highlight the next Available Date of the driver.

For Example: If the Current Date is 19th Feb and a Load is currently assigned to a driver with the delivery scheduled for 27th Feb and after this date, no other Loads are assigned to the driver or the driver is not on leave then the system will increment +1 in the Delivery Date Stop (Including Empty Move) of the driver's Current Load. The calculation will be of Available Date will be DeliveryDate = 27th Feb and 27 + 1 = 28th Feb.

In another scenario, if the driver is on leave from 19th Feb to 28th Feb and after this period, no other Loads are assigned to the driver then this column will also display 29th Feb as the Available Date for the driver.

The system will check the schedule of the driver from the Current Date to the next 2 weeks. From this, the system will calculate the Available Date of the driver. However, for example, if the driver is working on a Load starting from 19th Feb and ending on 3rd March, meaning after two weeks, and after this, one more Load is assigned to the driver from 4th March or the driver is on leave on 4th March then, in this scenario also, the system will display the 4th March as the Available Date of the driver as the system will only check the schedule of the driver within the two weeks from the Current Date.

Current City and State:

If the Driver is currently working on a Load then these columns will contain the Current Load’s Last Delivery (Including Empty Move)’s City and State of the Load.

However, if the Driver is available but there is currently no Load assigned to them then the system will not display anything in these columns.

Current Location:

For Driver Tab:

If the driver is currently working on a Load, the system will fetch location details from the tracking table and display them in the Current Location column.

If the driver is not working on any load or is on leave, the system will retrieve location details from the ELD table and In this case:

  • The system will first attempt to fetch the ELD location of the driver's last load's vehicle. If available, this location will be shown in the Current Location column.

  • If the ELD location of the vehicle is not available, the system will check the ELD location of the trailer. If available, this location will be displayed in the mentioned column.

  • If both the ELD location of the vehicle and the trailer are not available, the system will show nothing in the Current Location column.

For Vehicle Tab:

If the driver is currently working on a Load, the system will fetch location details from the tracking table and display them in the Current Location column.

If the driver is not working on any load or is on leave, the system will retrieve location details from the ELD table and In this case:

  • The system will attempt to fetch the ELD location of the driver's last load's vehicle. If available, this location will be shown in the Current Location column and if ELD location of the vehicle is not available, the system will show nothing in the Current Location column.

Previous Delivery Location:

The system will take the Last Load with the last Delivery Stop (including Empty Moves) within the last 1 month from the selected date as Prev Load and show that Prev Load’s last Delivery Stop details in this column.

For example: On the FleetOps screen, 26 Feb is selected. The system will then subtract 1 month from this date, resulting in the calculation from 26 Jan to 26 Feb. Within this date range, the system will find the Driver's Last Load and if available, it will display the details of that stop in this column and if not available, the system will show this column as blank.

The system will consider all the Loads falling or ending within this date range and the most recent Load will be displayed in the "Prev Loc Delivery" column.

For instance, if the date range is 26 Jan to 26 Feb and the system finds the Driver's Last Load ending on 26 Jan, it will be displayed in the "Prev Loc Delivery" column.

However, only Loads ending before the ending date (26 Feb) of the calculated date range (26 Jan to 26 Feb) will be considered. If a Load is available that is ending on 26 Feb or after 26 Feb, it will not be considered for the "Prev Loc Delivery" column as the date range is ending on 26 Feb.

Delivery ETA:

If a Driver is currently working on a Load then the system will display the ETA of the Current Load in this column by fetching this detail from the Tracking table.

However, if the Driver is not currently assigned to any Load then the system will display this column as blank.

Current Load:

If the driver is currently working on a Load then the Ref No of Driver’s Current Load will be visible in this Load else system will show this column as blank.

Data in this column will be available as hyperlink and if user clicks on this then system will show the Edit screen of Load to user.

Next Load Date:

This column will contain the date of Driver’s Next Load.

For Example: If a Load is currently assigned to a Driver and the Driver needs to deliver it on 20th Feb and after this date, next Load is also assigned to Driver for 21st Feb. So this column will display 21st Feb.

Grid View - Filters:

Asset City - Filter:

This filter works in conjunction with the Radius Filter. The user needs to enter the city, select the radius and then the system will filter and display the records to user based on the applied filters.

View Recommendations Slider - For Driver:

The “View Recommendations” Slider is divided into 4 columns.

  • The 1st column will contain the details of Driver like Driver’s Truck/Trailer, Location, Assigned Load and Availability.

  • The 2nd column will contain a Grid and this Grid will contain 2 buttons Assign and PrePlan and will also contain 3 tabs (Available, New Orders, History).

  • The 3rd column will contain the Vehicle List.

  • The 4th column will contain the Trailer List.

Detailed explanation of the functionality of these columns is defined below.

1st Column - Driver Details:

In the 1st column of “View Recommendations” Slider, following details will be available

  • Driver Name

    • Name of Selected Driver

  • Status

    • Driver’s Current Status

  • Vehicle/Trailer

    • If Driver is working on a Load then system will show Current Vehicle/Trailer of Driver but if Driver is available but not working on any Load or on leave then system will take these details from the Driver’s Last Load

  • Driver HOS Details

    • Hour of Service details: Driver, Shift, Cycle and Next Day info

    • It is the same details which we show in Fleet -> Driver List.

  • Duty Status

    • System will fetch these details from the Tracking table and if data is not available in the Tracking table then system will not show anything in this field.

  • Current Location

    • ELD Location if available else “Not Available” will be visible.

  • Source From

    • If the Driver is working on any Load then display City, State of Last Delivery Stop (Including Non Empty Move) of Driver’s Current Load.

    • If Driver is available (not working on any Load) or Driver is on leave then display City, State of Last Delivery Stop (Including Empty Move) of Driver’s Last Load.

  • Availability

    • If the Driver is working on any Load then display Last Delivery Stop (Non Empty Move)’s Date of Driver’s Current Load.

    • If Driver is available (not working on any Load) or Driver is on leave then display Last Delivery Stop (Including Empty Move)’s Date of Driver’s Last Load.

  • Load

    • If the Driver is working on any Load then display Load Ref # of Current Load.

    • If Driver is available (not working on any Load) or Driver is on leave then display Load Ref # of Driver’s Last Load.

2nd Column - Grid:

Grid will contain the following 3 tabs.

  1. Available

  2. Orders

  3. History

Available - Tab:

In the Available tab, the system will display all available Loads by calculating the distance in miles as defined below.

First, the system will take the “Availability” - available date and consider past 7 days and future 14 days from the available date. For example, if the available date is 19 Feb, the calculation will be 19 - 7, 19 + 14, resulting in the date range from 11 Feb to 2 March.

Next, the system will check the "Source From" field location. Subsequently, it will examine the Pickup Locations of all the Open Loads falling within the calculated date range (11 Feb to 2 March). The system will then calculate the distance between the "Source From" location and the Load’s Pickup Locations.

If the system determines that the distance between the Load's pickup stop and the "Source From" location is less than 500 miles, it will display all those loads in the grid.

On the Grid of Available tab, following columns should be available.

  • Select

    • Checkbox for selecting Loads

  • Load

    • Will contain LoadRefNo as Hyperlink

  • DH

    • Will contain the distance available between the Source Location and Load’s Pickup Location

  • Miles/Units

    • Will contain the Tendered Miles of Load

  • TRPM

    • It will contain the value of TotalRatePerMile and it will be calculated as Calculated Fees/ (Tendered Miles+DH Empty Miles)

  • Customer

    • Will show the Customer Name

  • Pickup Date

    • Load’s Pickup Date with Time

  • Delivery Date

    • Load’s Delivery Date with Time

  • Pickup City

  • Delivery City

  • Van Type

History - Tab:

In the History tab, the system will first check the Availability Date of the Driver then it will check the "Source From" location and finally, it will examine all the Past Completed Loads of the last 90 days from the Available Date. The system will calculate the distance between the Pickup Locations of the Loads and the "Source From" Location. If the system finds that Loads fall within the 500-mile range, it will display all those Loads in the grid.

Assign - Button:

If the user is selecting a Load and clicking on Assign button without selecting any Vehicle/Trailer from their Lists then the system will open the Dispatch Modal and pre-populates the Driver/Truck/Trailer on the Dispatch Modal by using their current Vehicle/Trailer.

but if before clicking on the Assign button, user is also selecting Vehicle/Trailer from their Lists then the Dispatch Modal should be pre populated with the selected Vehicle and Trailer.

PrePlan - Button:

The PrePlan button we can use to assign a Truck to a Load. This will work in the same way as this is working on Loads List.

3rd and 4th Columns -Vehicle/Trailer Lists:

The system will get all the Vehicles/Trailers available within 100 miles of Source Location.

Distance will be calculated from the "Source From" Location to the ELD Locations of the available Vehicles/Trailers. Those Vehicles/Trailers falling within the 100 meters range will be included in their respective lists.

While displaying data in the Vehicle/Trailer Lists, the system will take the Available Date and then add 6 days to this date and use it to determine the Status of Vehicle/Trailer - Available, Out Of Order, Dispatched.

For example, if the Available Date is 19 Feb, the calculation will be 19 Feb + 6 days = 25 Feb.

Vehicle - Tabs:

The functionality for the Calendar and Grid Views in the Vehicles tab is the same as in the Driver tab. You can refer to those details for more information.

One important note: In the Driver tab, the system displays records based on Drivers while in the Vehicles tab, it shows records based on Vehicles.

In the Vehicles tab, there are only a few changes in the Tabs and Column Names, which are defined below.

The Vehicle tab on the FleetOps screen contains the following four child tab filters.

  1. All

  2. Available

  3. Out Of Order

  4. Dispatched

The conditions used for rendering data in these tabs are the same as those used for the Driver child tabs. But in the Driver we are showing the 3rd child tab as “Time Off” but in the Vehicles tab we are showing this child tab as “Out of Order”. We are defining the “Out of Order” tab once below.

Out Of Order - Tab:

For the selected date range, if a vehicle is identified as out of order, the system will display that vehicle in the "Out of Order" tab.

For example: If the date range is set from the 10th of Feb to the 16th of Feb and a vehicle is out of order from the 11th of Feb to the 15th of Feb, the "Out of Order" event for this vehicle will span from the 11th of Feb column to the 15th of Feb column.

Similarly, if a vehicle is out of order from the 9th of February to the 15th of February, this event will be visible in the specified date range (10th Feb to 16th Feb). However, the end part of the event will be visible to the user, considering the starting point of the event within the previous weeks.

In the case of a vehicle out of order from the 12th of February to the 18th of February, the event for this vehicle will also be visible in the specified date range (10th Feb to 16th Feb). In this scenario, the user should be able to see the starting point of the event, as the ending point will be considered within the next weeks.

The other difference in the Vehicles tab is with the Actions dropdown field:

Vehicle - Actions Dropdown Field:

In the Vehicles tab, following options are available in the Actions dropdown field.

  1. Post Vehicle

  2. Vehicle History

  3. Assign

Selecting "Post Vehicle" opens the Create Modal for "Truck Posting", "Vehicle History" opens the History Modal for the selected Vehicle and "Assign" opens the Unit Assignment Modal for the selected Vehicle.

View Recommendations Slider - For Vehicle:

The "View Recommendations" Slider is almost the same for the Vehicle tab but there are only a few changes that are defined below.

In Vehicle - “View Recommendations” Slider

  • The 1st column will contain details about the driver, such as Driver’s Truck/Trailer, Location, Assigned Load, and Availability.

  • The 2nd column will feature a grid with two buttons, Assign and PrePlan. Additionally, this grid will include three tabs (Available, New Orders, History).

  • The 3rd column will consist of the Driver List.

  • The 4th column will contain the Trailer List.

Details on the functionality of the Driver List are explained below.

3rd Column - Driver List:

The system will retrieve all Drivers located within 100 meters of the Source Location. The distance calculation will be based on the "Source From" Location to the Delivery Stop of the Driver's last Load (Including Empty Moves) if they are currently not working on any load.

However, if a driver is currently working on a Load, the distance will be calculated from the "Source From" Location to the Delivery Stop of the Driver's current Load (Including Empty Moves). Drivers falling within the 100 meters range will be included in their respective list.

When displaying data in the Driver List, the system will take the "Available Date" and then add 6 days to this date. This resulting date will be used to determine the Driver's status - whether they are Available, on Time Off, or Dispatched.

For example, if the Available Date is 19 Feb, the calculation will be 19 Feb + 6 days = 25 Feb.

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