The following new features have been added for a better customer experience:
Lane Rates - For Customers and External Carriers
New columns in the Lane Rate Grid
BestPass Toll Integration
Dispatch Screen - Overwrite Current Unit Assignment
Agent/Agency Access to Driver Submissions
Team Drivers - HOS in Tracking
Pass on Accessorial to Partner Carrier
Syncing with Mobile App
Loadboards, Partner Carrier, LTL Trips /Trips, Driver’s Rate Card Access to Agencies/ Agents
Settlements Negative Balance to be Rolled Over as a Deduction
Export Button for Paycheck
Mandatory Fields under CRM > Customer > Qualifications to Optional
Quickbooks Desktop Integration
Changes in Brokerage Dashboard
Lane Rates
For Customers:
Rates can be set against different lanes on the customer level and the system will automatically fetch the rate against the lane on the load if it exists in the customer profile.
For example, a customer has the following four rate cards set up in their profile under CRM:
When a load is created for this customer, then only those rate cards are shown that match with the load.
For External Carriers:
Lane Rates are now shown in a separate tab called Lane Rates in the Dispatch Load and Broker Load screen.
The system fetches only the matching lanes rates from all the carriers' profiles.
Moreover, a sort function has been provided on each column in Lane Rates Grid.
Once the user decides on the lane rate, they would have to click on the Apply button in order to override the rate in the Carrier Settlement.
2. New Columns in the Lane Rates Grid
Two new columns have been added to the lane rates card and grid; van type and expiration date.
Fleet > Carriers > External Carriers > External Carrier’s Profile > Add External Rate Card
3. BestPass Toll Integration
Toll setup has been moved to its own separate tab and BestPass Integration has been added to the toll integrations. Once set up the system will fetch the toll transactions once every 24 hours automatically in the system.
Main Menu > Setup > Integrations > Toll
4. Dispatch Screen - Overwrite current unit assignment
Users can now overwrite the current unit assignment while dispatching the load.
Dispatch > Loads > Dispatch Load
For example, in the following screenshot, the unit assigned to the driver is 1401.
If the unit assignment is overwritten during the dispatch of the load, the unit assigned to the driver will also update in their profile under Unit Assignment.
To enable this, a new toggle-based configurable has been added in the Load Settings called Overwrite Unit Assignment at Dispatch.
It is off by default.
5. Agent/Agency Access to Driver Submissions
The Agents/Agency can now have access to documents submitted by Drivers via Mobile App. TMS displays notifications against Loads assigned to the Agents/Agency.
Agency and Brokerage Agent OR Internal Agent must be assigned to the load in order for this to work.
After the driver has submitted the documents from their app, the agency/agents would receive the notification on the TMS.
They can then view, accept or reject the document from the TMS.
6. Team Drivers - HOS in Tracking
For a Team load, TMS now displays the HOS for both drivers in the Team on the Tracking Screen.
Dispatch > Loads > Load Tracking
The two drivers should be logged in to ELD. TMS gets HOS for both drivers from ELD. The active driver's HOS will be displayed in Green and the inactive driver's HOS will be displayed in Red
7. Pass on Accessorial to Partner Carrier
Users can now pass on the accessorial to the partner carrier similar to the pass-on to driver feature.
Dispatch > Loads > Load > Accessorial
8. Syncing with Mobile App
Completed loads in the TMS will be synced with the mobile app.
If the dispatcher marks a load as “Completed” in the TMS, it will automatically be marked as completed on the driver’s app.
In order to enable this, turn the toggle “Complete load on mobile if completed from TMS” on from the load settings.
Main Menu > Settings > Load
9. Loadboards, Partner Carrier, LTL Trips /Trips, Driver’s Rate Card Access to Agencies/ Agents
The agents/agencies now have access to the Loadboard, Partner Carrier, LTL Trips/ Trips, and Driver’s Rate Card.
If the agent/agency has access to the loadboard they can perform all the actions as dispatchers. (Accept Load, Reject Load, Skip Load)
Users can set permissions from the agency/agent profile.
Main Menu > Agency Management > Agencies / Agents Profile > Permissions
10. Settlements Negative Balance to be rolled over as deduction
If the Gross Pay on the settlement is negative then the pending amount can be rolled over as a deduction from Driver/Partner Carrier/External Carrier's Settlement.
Settlements > Settlement Management
If total Gross Pay is negative then once the settlement is marked as approved, then a button called “Rollover as deduction” is shown:
When the user clicks on “Rollover as deduction” then a deduction balance called Balance Deduction is created against the driver under Main Menu > Financial > Balances. This deduction is then shown at the top of the list of driver balances which can be added to the next settlement.
To enable this, a new setting has been added to the global settings of settlements.
Main Menu > Settings > Settlement
11. Export button for Paycheck
Users can now export the settlement data for the purpose of running payroll on the vendor Paycheck.
Settlements > Settlements History > Download Payroll Files
After clicking on this, the user would have to enter the date range and select the carrier.
The file that is downloaded is a .CSV file with the following format:
Each tenant gets a unique Company ID from Paycheck that they would be required to enter in the global settings of Settlements.
Main Menu > Settings > Settlement
This Company ID populates in the Export File that would be uploaded on the Paycheck Portal of the customers.
12. Mandatory fields under CRM > Customer > Qualifications to Optional
In the customer’s qualification tab, the following fields have been changed to optional:
Customer SCACs
Method of Communication
Load Source
Cargo Value
Transportation Mode
Main Menu > CRM > Customer > Qualification
13. Quickbooks Desktop Integration
A new integration for Quickbooks Desktop has been added to TMS.
Main Menu > Setup > Integrations > Accounting
In order to integrate the QB desktop version, users must have a chart of account files so they can map LS Accounts to the QB chart of accounts. After it has been downloaded, users are required to upload it from the integration screen.
In order to integrate QB Desktop, the following steps are required:
Select the carrier
Choose the chart of accounts file
Select the sync date
Upload the Chart of accounts file (IIF File)
And then click Save
After saving this, a new window will appear on which users can map and configure the QB Desktop integration:
After saving information here, the integration would be completed.
This integration requires downloading an IIF file from Invoices Module and after the user has downloaded it, the user must upload it to the QB Desktop to map the data in QB desktop.
Invoices > Pending Payments
Once in the pending payments section, the users will have to select the carrier and invoices to be exported. The steps are shown below:
After selecting the invoices, the user will have to click on the "Export IIF File" button to export them on the TMS.
Then the user clicks on the right most button of “Export Invoice Logs” in order to download them in their computer.
The file that is downloaded looks like this:
This file then needs to be uploaded on the QB Desktop.
14. Brokerage Dashboard Changes
Brokergae Dashboard has been updated. Now, there are two tabs, the Broker dashboard and the Tracking Tab.
This feature is only available for brokerage only tenants.